âĢUpgrade & Transform

The journey of island ownership is marked by continuous evolution and transformation.


Upon seizing control of an island, players can enhance its capabilities through the upgrade process.

  • Early stage: Use Food only

  • Next stage: Use both Food and Dragon Stones.

Through strategic investment and resource management, players can amplify their island's stats and size, fortifying their positions and expanding their influence in the skies.


At a certain level, players gain the ability to initiate the transformation of their islands for:

  • Transforming to a new appearance with broader areas

  • Reaching higher stats

  • Unlocking special architectures

Transforming condition

  • Reach a required level

  • Own a minimum number of required Dragarks

  • Consume a large amount of Resources to execute transformation (TBD)

This evolution marks a significant milestone in the island's journey, symbolizing its ascension to new heights of power and potential.

Last updated