🏝ī¸Biomes & Island Types

In the DRAGARK world, islands emerge as territories and battlegrounds in the skies. Here, players harness their Dragarks, seizing resources, conquering territories, and forging empires amidst clouds and chaos.

Islands come in various forms, each with distinct characteristics and strategic significance. Here's an overview of the different biomes and island types players will encounter:


Sky Islands exist in THREE statuses:

  • Owned by the Player

  • Owned by other Players

  • Unoccupied

Players can direct their Dragarks to combat and seize other Players' and unoccupied islands, influencing territorial control and resource acquisition.


Resource Islands

Resource islands are the lifeblood of DRAGARK, which are easy to explore behind the thick clouds in the sky, providing essential resources for players.

Regarding resource generation capability, islands come in THREE types:

  • No regeneration

  • Food regeneration only

  • Food and gem/stone regeneration.

Note: Islands can regenerate resources since being occupied by Players.

Several attributes of Resource Islands that affect their utility and strategic importance:


Elemental Type

  • Lava islands

  • Water islands

  • Forest islands

Based on the elemental type, players can decide on controlling appropriate Dragarks to the relevant islands


The overall strength of the island, ranging from level 1 - 10

Higher-level islands boast enhanced attributes and provide greater benefits to their owners

Resource cap

The maximum island capacity for storing Resources

Manage the island's resource cap to ensure efficient resource utilization and avoid wastage

Resource generate

The rate at which resources are generated on the island

Sustain Dragark activities, powering upgrades, and fueling conquests

Defense point

The island's defensive capabilities and resilience against enemy attacks.

Higher defense points increase the difficulty of being attacked, deterring potential invaders and safeguarding valuable resources.

Defense Dragark

The maximum number of Dragarks to be stationed on the island for defense

Correlate with the Island's Level, with higher-level islands accommodating more defenders to repel invaders.

Maximum of FIVE Artifacts to be equiped for each island

Increase resource production, expand capacity, or enhance defensive capabilities, providing players with additional customization options

Mystic Islands

Mystic islands serve as hubs for exchanging resources, particularly Dragon Stone, for valuable rewards.

  • NFT Artifacts

  • NFT Dragark

Players can assign Dragarks to these islands to exchange resources for these rewards!

Egg Islands

Egg Islands are the place to store and protect Dragark Eggs.

Players can assign Dragarks to these islands to exchange resources for Dragark Eggs, which can be hatched into NFT Dragark.

Event Islands

Event islands host special events within DRAGARK, offering enticing reward pools for participants.

Players can join these events to earn exclusive rewards and test their skills against unique challenges.

Each island presents opportunities and challenges, shaping the dynamic gameplay experience in the ever-evolving world of Dragark.

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