
Combat triggered in TWO cases

  • Players send Dragark to attack other islands

  • Players' Island being attacked

The result of Combat is defined based on the Power Rating of two squads following the formula below:

Power Rating = (Brought-along Food + Attacking power of Dragark Squad) x %Bonus

Note: A 20% power bonus is granted when seizing an island with the same element as the Dragarks.

Combat Types

Attack unoccupied islands

  • If won, players seized the island successfully.

  • If lost, the Food points on the unoccupied island will decrease correspondingly, however, it will recover up to the initial maximum value of that island.

Attack other players' islands

  • Equally Food consumed from both sides

  • If won, players seized the island successfully, which means that the rival lost that island

How to combat

  • Send a Dragark or Dragark Squad to the desired island

  • Bring along a necessary amount of Food and Stones to enhance Power Ratings

Note: Food to be consumed based on the distance that the Dragarks fly through and attacking actions oof the Dragark.

Last updated