Pick a Dragark
In case you own an NFT Dragark, you can activate all of your desired Dragarks to join the movement.
Last updated
In case you own an NFT Dragark, you can activate all of your desired Dragarks to join the movement.
Last updated
Step 1: Go to https://dragark.net/play/inventory
Step 2: Choose your desired Dragark NFT
No limitations in the number of Dragarks
1 non-NFT Dragark: Given at the beginning when first joining game
NFT Dragarks: Purchase on Ventory Marketplace
Step 3: Click LOCK button
Lock your NFT Dragark so that you can activate it into the game, which means NFT cannot be listed on NFT marketplace while being played in the game
Step 4: Click ACTIVATE to play with NFT Dragark
Step 5: Click PLAY to join the battles
Step 1: Choose your Island
Step 2: Click SEND button
Step 3: Click SWITCH icon to change to the other Dragark for battles